our group present about australia..n the 1st ques the lecturer ask is bout our pic..
coz v put koala,kangaroo n other animals in australia...
luckily wen i present didnt say wrong words or do anything wrong...phew!~
den it was jessie's group turn to present...

den f&b theory got assessment... i still duno how 2 do even wen sum1 gave me tips...
4got almost evrything wen doing the exam..how pathetic..
so scared tis subject will fail la...aargh!!!!
hmm hmm...nvm..put dat thought aside...must tink positive!! =.=
anyway having dinner at pj hilton....got discount for buffet dinner=D
15 mins reached there from my house..so fast O.o
but den..its kinda dissapointed wit the food...
not much choice only =( evrytime i went to take food..oso end up taking the same thing>.<
there's mee,fish,cake n satay..
duno call wat fish..n oysters..
i used to hate oysters but duno dat day wats wrong wit me..i keep taking n eating oysters..
even my dad oso got beh tahan ad..keep calling me to stop eating dat =p
so few choices of food but still can eat till bao bao...
4got almost evrything wen doing the exam..how pathetic..
so scared tis subject will fail la...aargh!!!!
hmm hmm...nvm..put dat thought aside...must tink positive!! =.=
anyway having dinner at pj hilton....got discount for buffet dinner=D
15 mins reached there from my house..so fast O.o
but den..its kinda dissapointed wit the food...
not much choice only =( evrytime i went to take food..oso end up taking the same thing>.<

i used to hate oysters but duno dat day wats wrong wit me..i keep taking n eating oysters..
even my dad oso got beh tahan ad..keep calling me to stop eating dat =p
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