woke up so damn early 2day to go kelong...sum place in johor but nvr go b4..
so going for tis trip even wen im having the final assessment bout 'the subject dat i hated most n yet have to concentrate more on' which is geography on monday...
im forced to go tis trip wen i dun really want to..
even wen im having the most annoying problem =.=
reached there at bout 8am den sit boat to the so call resort which is in the middle of the sea..
the place...isnt wat i expected..there's no showerhead in the bathroom n u can only enjoy the cool air of the fan at 7pm!!! so the whole afternoon was sweating like hell until the wind arrived..
n there's so damn many JELLYFISHES!!!!!
so crreeepppyyy....
while in the 'resort' was trying so hard to study geo but there's alot of distraction..
not distracted by handsome boys or girls (there isnt any for me to see >.<)
was getting distracted by ppl fishing..n those noisy ppl nxt door..
they were shouting happily just bcoz they caught a tiny weeny fish =.=
wasted the whole day just by seeing ppl fishing... i only get to read half of the chapter for the whole day!!! ish.....how can i get distracted by small but so-not-cute-fish??? uurrgghh!!
during the evening another boat fetched us to the beach...
n its the most un-fun beach trip i've ever went to...
i cant get too deep to the sea thanks to the jellyfishes >.<
n i keep getting bitten by sandflys...
wat do they want from me??y keep bugging me??!!
went bak to the crappy resort n bath..there's only the toilet seat, a pail of water n a pipe...ntg else...so unconvenient n the water is SOOOO COOOLLLLDDDD!!!
so not enjoying the bath =.=
had lunch,dinner n supper at the crappy place...
my gdness..each day will have breakfast,lunch,tea,dinner and supper....
if i stayed there for just 3 days i can definitely get fat for sure>.<
but den at nite was trying to sleep but the nxt door sampat fellas just cant keep their mouth shut wen its oredi midnite!!! there's tis fat woman keep talking non-stop...n the others are laughing along with her...there's so many place to chat but they purposely have to chat right next to us wen all of us is trying to get some sleep!!! aaarggh!!!! den my dad n aunt oso get beh tahan ad n they went out n scolded those sampat fellas... hahaha!!! in ur face!! a******s!!! bleekkk!!
den as if the nite isnt worse enuff i got bitten by another kind of bugs...
n its so friggin hot!!! no wind..cant feel the fan either!!! ishhhhh....
i seriously hate tis place!!!!!! im nvr gonna come tis place again no matter how much my mum forced me to!!
*breathe in breathe out* relaxx.....
on the bright side..at least i had fun fishing...although its just some small fish
its kinda my first time fishing really...so its kinda fun lo...
n u can enjoy natural air here...sky so bright n stars 'waving' at u during the night =)

spot the tiny-weeny fish =D
my bro caught it >.<
look at the tail >.<
caught tis while swimming at the sea..
proof bout the danger of playing in dat sea..


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