last applied tech class for restaurant....
got written assessment 2day...the 1st page..evrything i oso tembak wan >.<
din really study much bout dat part..
learnt bout POS...v were playing more like learning
coz its new stuff wad...so we were like small kids..fighting over the machine =.=
afta the class v went sunway to look for centrepiece..
all of us were running to calvin's car...v dont wanna sit sean's car coz got his ehem there...
in the end me,zee n suraya lost the fight so v had to sit sean's car =(
me n zee are like paparazzi!! tis is 1 of the pic i took keke

v were looking for food again..some say wan tis some say want dat
we were standing there like a bunch of idiots or look like some students dat is going for a one-day tour at sunway =.=
so in the end v separated n me, zee,suraya,vicky n sky went to old town for lunch...
im broke just by eating dat set lunch >.<
afta dat went to look for our centrepiece...me n zee din buy anything...
im too broke to buy anything else..tsk tsk..
so me n zee just running around touching tis n dat...
n there's tis shop dat is quite fun...got alot of interesting stuff...
even got an automatic soap...coollll >.<
den v went another shop n we found a mini pacifier...
im still under the sucking-pacifier age =p
im 17+ n im still sucking pacifier...how chilidish rite? i noe =D
we were standing there like a bunch of idiots or look like some students dat is going for a one-day tour at sunway =.=
so in the end v separated n me, zee,suraya,vicky n sky went to old town for lunch...
im broke just by eating dat set lunch >.<
afta dat went to look for our centrepiece...me n zee din buy anything...
im too broke to buy anything else..tsk tsk..
so me n zee just running around touching tis n dat...
n there's tis shop dat is quite fun...got alot of interesting stuff...
even got an automatic soap...coollll >.<
den v went another shop n we found a mini pacifier...

im 17+ n im still sucking pacifier...how chilidish rite? i noe =D
at around 4 sth v went bak college for the exam briefing thing =.=
its just a waste of time..the woman talked for half an hour bout sth i tink all of us noe about...
put ur bags aside during exam...do not cheat..write ur student id in the paper...blablabla..
anybody in the school or college world noe bout dat..no need to waste our time for these kind of thing rite? tsk tsk
thx to tis stupid thing...hav 2 bcum hamburger in ktm again =.=
i seriously want a car!!!! but my dad is scared of tis n dat...haiz...
last restaurant practical class means last day wearing restaurant uniform =(
so v started doing real stuff 2day...preparing tis n dat...serving 'invisible' guest...
evry1 is running here n there...n the lect starting to get angry ad..
by the end of the day...v served tea for ourself
n v sit there,relaxing n drinking tea=D best part of the day....
its just a waste of time..the woman talked for half an hour bout sth i tink all of us noe about...
put ur bags aside during exam...do not cheat..write ur student id in the paper...blablabla..
anybody in the school or college world noe bout dat..no need to waste our time for these kind of thing rite? tsk tsk
thx to tis stupid thing...hav 2 bcum hamburger in ktm again =.=
i seriously want a car!!!! but my dad is scared of tis n dat...haiz...
last restaurant practical class means last day wearing restaurant uniform =(
so v started doing real stuff 2day...preparing tis n dat...serving 'invisible' guest...
evry1 is running here n there...n the lect starting to get angry ad..
by the end of the day...v served tea for ourself
n v sit there,relaxing n drinking tea=D best part of the day....
tis day is the most tiring day of tis term
stand until leg cram, hold plates with ONE hand until hand gonna break ad..
term 1 restaurant class is suffereing enuff..
wonder how m i gonna continue term 2 n 3 n 4 5 6?
stand until leg cram, hold plates with ONE hand until hand gonna break ad..
term 1 restaurant class is suffereing enuff..
wonder how m i gonna continue term 2 n 3 n 4 5 6?
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