i love college too much till i arrived damn early
went to find don n his gang
saw ariff n he act cool..
i talk 2 him den he ignored me >.<
went 2 the eca office 2 sign up for the student council...
1st time went there..
walked till leg wan patah ad =.=
there got astro!!
but the control cacated wan..i press tis den i got another thing...
the sofa so comfortable..
gt a student can still sleep soundly even though v damn noisy!!!

the eca office is BORING!!
got ntg 2 do de... astro ntg 2 watch dat time
n i wanted 2 sleep oso cant
i keep walking here n there>.<
should not have stayed here..regretted xD
got ntg 2 do de... astro ntg 2 watch dat time
n i wanted 2 sleep oso cant
i keep walking here n there>.<
should not have stayed here..regretted xD

played uno stacko n at 2 sth went 2 clas wit fiona...
its the housekeeping practical clas!!!
waited for the lecturer 2 cum n.....
we're surprised wen v saw the lecturer... he's gd looking n young!!! =p
its the housekeeping practical clas!!!
waited for the lecturer 2 cum n.....
we're surprised wen v saw the lecturer... he's gd looking n young!!! =p
did introduction n he gave us assignment >.<
but luckily its a very easy wan...
so he gaves us 1 hour 2 go n get information bout our project
den my group members went eca...
duno y...n my CR lie at the sofa there watch football =.="
i keep wanting 2 turn off the tv..but i gd ma so i din choi him xD
went bak to the clas n v went 2 explore the room....
1st...test the bed!!(test whether its bouncy anot =p)
2nd...the toilet
3rd...the cart
n so on....
den calvin n wei heng sot sot dei ad..
keep hugging each other on the bed..
my phone camera slow..
so tak dpt take pic of their gayness haha
n wen calvin's group wanna practice their play
they went 2 the toilet
v all ''paparazzi'' take pic frm the window..
finally!! evry1 noe how 2 high after so many days!!
presentation time....
wen i present...i sux....
i duno how 2 talk xD
but then zee's group so funny...
their acting can say very gd haha
1st clas dat makes us get so high!!yamie!!
wish there will alot more of tis kind of clas haha
but luckily its a very easy wan...
so he gaves us 1 hour 2 go n get information bout our project
den my group members went eca...
duno y...n my CR lie at the sofa there watch football =.="
i keep wanting 2 turn off the tv..but i gd ma so i din choi him xD
went bak to the clas n v went 2 explore the room....
1st...test the bed!!(test whether its bouncy anot =p)
2nd...the toilet
3rd...the cart
n so on....
den calvin n wei heng sot sot dei ad..
keep hugging each other on the bed..
my phone camera slow..
so tak dpt take pic of their gayness haha
n wen calvin's group wanna practice their play
they went 2 the toilet
v all ''paparazzi'' take pic frm the window..
finally!! evry1 noe how 2 high after so many days!!
presentation time....
wen i present...i sux....
i duno how 2 talk xD
but then zee's group so funny...
their acting can say very gd haha
1st clas dat makes us get so high!!yamie!!
wish there will alot more of tis kind of clas haha
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