my heart is thumping so fast now n im still at home..
duno how will it be wen im there
so 5.59 i oredi woke up but i jus keep lying in bed till 7am
thx 2 my mum hu 4got 2 off the alarm clock
so dat woke me up n i lost bout 1 hour of slp>.<
wen im in the car i get 2 sit bside a cute guy!! lucky me haha
so wen v reached there uncle explained alot of things 2 the 3 of us
but i din reali concentrate coz i kinda dun und wat he talking
im no.40 so i naik bukit those 1st but oso hav 2 wait 4 my turn 1st la..
den i saw a few ppl failed oredi..
its my turn n luckily i stopped more than 50% at the yellow line
phew.. den at the parking there i suppose 2 giv him the borang n i ran there duno y..
the tester said 'jgn lari, nanti jatuh'..dats so kind of him haha
apparently i forgot 2 turn the steering wheel left till the end b4 i reverse n the car went way bak the tester ask 'kamu nak pergi mana' so i do the steps again n do 3 points
went 2 get my paper n i PASSED!!!! im so happy dat time i keep saying thank you to dat tester n he said welcome (so well-mannered very nan dak..)
i made a few frns(sort of)
coz i keep asking ques frm different ppl..
while waiting for jln raya exam i jus sms la..ntg 2 do wad..
n i played wit my hp camera..
den called the no n 1 of it is me!!
im in car 11 the 5th person..
so wen reach my turn 2 drive
i have even finish checking den the tester oredi call me start..
wen reached the stop there i din signal coz i wanna wait 1st ma
den Mr impatient say 'signal la moi!!'
so i jus do wat he say la
n few mins later there's car quite near infrnt of me
he call me laju sikit
again i hav 2 listen 2 him again >.<
he keep saying the same thing
'LAJU LA MOI!!' n keep making dat annoying sound
wth???? im not in a car race rite???y do i have 2 LAJU sikit???grrr...
n at the traffice light there he press the brek
wen there's like a lot of space between the car infrnt..
he scold me again.. for wat?
for stopping so like wat?!
its so not my fault k?u're the 1 hu press the brek..f***!!
so finally we're bak 2 surfine..thank god!!

wyee!!n i passed!!although i got 2 X
but the most important thing is i PASSED!!!!!
im so damn happy!!!hahaha
anyway thx 2 my frns hu wished me luck..
hui jing, show phoon, yun song, kin mun....
did i left out any1?hmm.. i hope not..
most importantly...