hav to do turned vegetables for kitchen(AT) class today
turned until the hand oso cramped ad so v took the bowl n feel it wit ice n put our hand in it
n it feels so nice....n the 'childish' calvin started throwing ice at me n sean...
i keep having trouble turning the vegetables nicely n he keep kacau =.= ish...
so wasting of the vegetables... the carrot was very big b4 i cut it
den turned very small ad >.< most ="D">.< den sean n wei heng sit at the chair..
n v all tinks dat they look like a married couple (malay wedding)
n wei heng look like the laksamana lol
den elaine n me went to kacau them...

den wen the lecturer come v quickly stand at our station n act normal xD
n we're baking fruit tart today!! yay!!
mixing/more like playing w it the flour =D
i noe the decoration not nice la..but no choice la..afta mixing the flour...
coz v last minute only go take the fruits so dats all dat left...
the chef's tart

it was raining n ariff was waiting outside...i pitied him so i let him inside =p
n was seating there playing wit my phone and eating our pastry =.=
but at least he helped me n elaine cut the tart...
take pic wit ariff while elaine is cutting =D
dun reali like tis pic...sky is a bad photographer!! =p

i like tis pic!!! ariff looks cute n i dont look weird..yay!! >.<
n was seating there playing wit my phone and eating our pastry =.=
but at least he helped me n elaine cut the tart...

n class dismissed..so on the way to locker...
i took picture wit ariff wearing the chef uniform!! kakaka finally!! xD
i took picture wit ariff wearing the chef uniform!! kakaka finally!! xD

kitchen assessment 2day!! aargh...tension ad xD
the chef ask us to look for sth bout risoler ytd....wen i went yahoo n google to find it...
evrything is in french...how the hell m i gonna read it?? but luckily my groupmate found it...phew~
anyway...the assessment 2day is mashed potato,risoler n glazed vegetables...
calvin n sean did evrything n i oni do cutting shallot n mashing the potatoes...
den after the lecturer gave mark..v try it n it tastes so nice!!!!
wen i wanted to take picture..sean n calvin oredi eaten half of it =.=
other group didnt finish their mash potato but v finished evrything!! our plate is clean!!
tis proves how nice it is...*proud* no offence guys.. im just kidding hehe
den afta break was the oral assessment...
i tink i got all correct bout the ways of cutting vegetables..
but the 2 ques dat the lecturer asked i oso duno how 2 ans leh =(
afta dat v can go home ad...so class finish at 12 sth...so unusual o.O
kitchen assessment 2day!! aargh...tension ad xD
the chef ask us to look for sth bout risoler ytd....wen i went yahoo n google to find it...
evrything is in french...how the hell m i gonna read it?? but luckily my groupmate found it...phew~
anyway...the assessment 2day is mashed potato,risoler n glazed vegetables...
calvin n sean did evrything n i oni do cutting shallot n mashing the potatoes...
den after the lecturer gave mark..v try it n it tastes so nice!!!!
wen i wanted to take picture..sean n calvin oredi eaten half of it =.=
other group didnt finish their mash potato but v finished evrything!! our plate is clean!!
tis proves how nice it is...*proud* no offence guys.. im just kidding hehe
den afta break was the oral assessment...
i tink i got all correct bout the ways of cutting vegetables..
but the 2 ques dat the lecturer asked i oso duno how 2 ans leh =(
afta dat v can go home ad...so class finish at 12 sth...so unusual o.O
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