got bak my geografi paper today..
n as expected i din get gd marks!! kakaka
i got study den no exam..i din study den sure got exam wan..
cacated betul~
nvm nvm must gambateh for my finals!!! i dun1 to repeat term 1!!
i dun1 c dat lect again i hate tis subject!! aargh!!
he let us go early so all of us including other classes students
all oso go library study for the exam later!!!
1st time c all 3 clas in library xD
during F&B theory class the lecturer give us 2 gd news!!
1 is dat our exam isnt 2day!!
n 2nd... there will b a party nxt tues!! special for hospitality term 1 students lol
no shock a =p
but tourism no gd news..
still have 2 exam... n all the ques i read b4 ad...but got some i 4gt the ans!!!
aargh!! so frustrated dat time!!!
but in the end i gave up trying 2 rmb the ans.. i just tembak >.<
so tired 2day...tmr hav 2 wake up extra early coz need go wet market do assignment...
cacat =.=
purposely woke up at 5.30 2day bcoz have 2 take the 1st train
evry1 call me meet them 7am at college but i sit the worst train in msia
so canot meet la have to sit ktm to subang jaya den waste rm3 for the taxi
i was wearing taylor's t-shirt n all the taxi driver was like 'sini pergi taylors punya!! '
den i ask which taylors
he said main so surprise..they oso noe which is main campus >.<
den luckily the taxi driver use the back road so i straighaway reached the wet market.. not late!! hehe reached there ngam ngam 7.30 =D
n hor got 1 cute little kitten welcoming me leh!!
wen i went in its kononnya wet market lo..
not wet oso drrryyyy >.< n hor..not like the wet market i use 2 go leh..
nobody shout wan... so quiet n not much ppl wen its oredi 8 sth =.=
not 'riuh rendah' wan...
the teachers always describe us like we're at pasar so noisy...
but now proves dat the teachers are WRONG!! xD
anyway we're suppose to ask the hawkers wat is tis how much is tis n evrything
but all of dat v oso din do...v just walk over there pretend to look den take pic
n v even skipped 1 section din do >.<
den v all went out stand there taking picture n looking at the shitS on the floor =.=
class picture (minus elaine n sky)
afta all the other groups done wit their survey ad v took group picture..

n the lecturers went bak college
while v all go makan while studying at the mamak
went bak to college wit sean's car.. i purposely sit infrnt coz dun1 sempit behind
kakakaka i so evil =.=
reached class ad evry1 take out their notes n read read read...
n again during the exam i rmb i got study it b4 n still i cant ans >.<
stupid la..y i so 4getful wan ish...
afta class v spent 3 hours in the library
1st time since college start.. we're stayin at college during break time on tues...
den went to computing class doing another project
haiz... y computing so many stuff 2 do wan??
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