went midvalley to go shopping again...
but tis time is so so boring n so damn many people..haiz..sunday wad..expected la..
so din buy much stuff 2day...so sad =(
anywayz the shopping theme of midvalley was sth sth monster...
so evrywhere oso can c monsters..fake wan lu of coz...

6 /7/09
term 2 started 2day...so damn boring n tired >.<
class ended at 5.30... haiz...
suddenly i wished im still having holidays now...
holiday is so relaxing n enjoying...
college is the total opposite =(
1st day of term 2 den oredi got 2 assignment!!
both oso have to do role play..so hard...
must start 2 be serious tis term ad...haiz..pressure pressure...
having restaurant service class 2day... so tired....
only slept for 4-5 hours last nite..
my sister n her friend was my customer...
was hoping so much dat i can do my service nicely...
but..dissapointed in myself la..
wen clearing table..cutleries dropped twice ad..so embarrassing>.<
den keep 4getting tis n dat...do evrything in a kelam kabut way...
nvm...must do better nxt time ad =D(comforting sendiri xD)
class finished at 2 but oredi damn tired la..leg pain summore..
almost fall asleep in ktm while going home...so lonely 2day coz some1 din go 2 skol =(
2day is our dearest vicky's bday..
went to sunway to celebrate but v were late...so in the end just went kfc to celebrate lol
zee n fiona were there 1st so they went to buy a small cake for her..

at 1.45 quickly rushed bak to college to attend last class of the day...
profesional activity class..a plan event kinda class...longest class ever
from 2pm-6pm oso the same subject >.<
haiz.. only 1st week of term 2 n it oredi start to suck
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