Monday, November 2, 2009

Why Love is Blind?

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it,
God had put all the human "qualities" in a separate room.
Since all the qualities were bored they decided to play hide & seek.
Madness" was one of the qualities and he shouted: "I want to count, I want to count!"
And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek "Madness",
all the other qualities agreed. So "Madness" leaned against a tree and started to count: One, two,three...

As "Madness" counted, the qualities went hiding. "Treason hid in a pile of garbage..
" Lie " said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake.
And Madness continued to count "...seventy nine, eighty, eighty one... "
By this time, all the qualities were already hidden -except "Love"
For stupid as "Love " is, he could not decide where to hide.
And this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it is to hide "Love".
"Madness": "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven...

Just when "Madness" got to one hundred.........
"Love" jumped into a rose bush where he hid.
And Madness turned around and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Laziness" was the first to be found, because Laziness" was too lazy to hide.
"Madness " searched madly and found "Lie" at the bottom of the lake.
One by one, Madness found them all - except Love.
Madness was getting desperate, unable to find Love.

Envious of Love, "Envy" whispered to "Madness ": "You only need to find Love,
and Love is hiding in the rose bush.
"Madness" Jumped on the rose bush and he heard loud cry .
The thorns in the bush had pierced "Loves" eyes.

Hearing the commotion God came into the room and saw what had happened.
He got very angry and cursed "Madness" and said since "Love" has become blind becos of u ...
u shall always be with him"
And so it came about that from that day on,
Love is blind and is always accompanied by Madness.!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

1st outing in the holidays =D

went to watch the ugly truth with michelle...
suppose to meet at 11 sth but den bcoz of my dad reached pavilion at 1 sth...
run from the pav entrance to level 6
i can still rmb clearly the way the old man looked at me wen i was running =.=
the movie at 1.50 so went shopping awhile b4 the movie..
afta michelle bought her hotdog n drink den went in ad..
the hall is full of people..wao...still got so many ppl watch tis movie ><
hmm..overall its nice n funny la...definitely a must watch...
afta the movie wanted to go lowyat to buy something but raining
so walked to sungei wang to get sth to drink n 'keng sam si'
glad v had dat talk michelle xD

michelle is so glad to c me =p
of coz im glad too..i just didnt show it hehe

went home at 6 sth...haiz.. 1 word to describe 2day..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

practicing of drama n the day of the drama ( HIV/AIDS: Breaking the silence)


2day is the last day of practicing drama!!! yes!!
finally dun need to go college early on saturday morning just to practice tis 'meaningless' thing
reached college at 9 alone....den went to library while waiting for other ppl to come
MPH was not open so have to go frn's house to practice..
reached there around 9.30 n guess wat? the director...the main actor haven arrive yet
so while waiting for them at 1 sth ordered macdonald n pizza delivery
around 3 sth oni started practicing and not only dat
they changed my script!!!! last min oni chnge my script den chnge tis n dat
so in the end around 7 sth oni i can leave the house
n dat day 1st time i reached home at 9 sth almost 10pm!!! dammit!!! =.=

discussing the drama
elaine n melissa got so bored while waiting for other ppl

elaine n man li felt asleep while waiting for them
spring is bored too ><

gary..the doctor in the drama..
tyty trying to fix the table he broke =.=
duno wat they were doing xD
pretending to sleep
mcdelivery!! =D
sky-the useless actor =p
yvonne-the reported in the drama
he's finishing the pizza by himself (sort of)


its a lovely day!!!! many people are marrying i heard frm the radio...
because 9/9/9 means 'chang chang jiu jiu' which means lasting forever...
even im getting married but in the drama dat im performing 2day xD
morning is my service n its the worse service ever...

missed 1 service last time so kinda messed up the service procedures =(
and got criticised by someone hu tinks he's dat good wen actually he's not..tsk
den afta service went to the locker room to change n prepare for the drama
at arnd 2.30 went to MPH to get ready....

from left..jing shien,vivian,me,kyalin n fiona
i look awful..s**t!!
fiona,me,vicky n suraya..
love tis pic!!! =Dthe awards of the drama..drama poster..the judges

finally at 5 sth its our turn to perform...
our drama is about the main actor-a movie star getting hiv n how his gf-me (swt) gonna accept it
but den got 1 scene is bout me n him getting married
n dat a*****e sky left the ring duno at where n summore call me to find it for him wen its suppose to b him to go find it =.= but in the end cant find so pretended there's a ring...
dats wat v call acting in a drama xD
the judges said our storyline was good but cant really get wat we're acting n showing =(
den its announcing the results time....
as group didnt win..
haiz...nvm lu...v tried our best...or only some people tried ><

kena slapped by jessie...
duno y her face isnt shown here =p

jessie,ruhi,kyalin,jing shien n me =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


2day we're cooking beef!! syok!!! xD
but tis time my partner is wei i call him do the cutting n stuff..muahahaha =p
the most busiest service ever bt chef said its the best service ever =D
some guest wanted chicken n some guest wanted beef so kinda got mixed up
n v kinda slow..the chef keep shouting station 2!! y so long??
n i quickly run n put the plates =.=
finally wen the food are sent to guest... v curi makan in the kitchen...
the best part of service class!!=p

the main course..roasted beef with yorkshire pudding
appetizer-mornay crab cake..i tink =.=
1 guest can oni eat 1 of these..giamsap =p
yorkshire pudding dat looks like drumstick o.O

baking yorkshire pudding...
the dextrinization of it? hmm..

tada..afta taking it out frm the oven
me n vicky =D
deng..i look so short
vicky's turtle
me n suraya trying to eat vicky's turtle =p
noobie me n cute suraya =D
vicky curi makan-ing =p
see the cockroach?
sean n calvin were barbequing it =.=


pastry class!!! yay!!! or not =(
the worst class ever!!! got scolded by the lecturer infrnt of strangers!! tsk
she scolded us coz we left wen she didnt ask us to...
how v noe?she left the class wit bags n evrything n got other class in dat class
so v go oso lo takkan stay there rot meh
its not really our fault =p
anyway...v baked puff pastry 2day....
its kinda fun though...not as tiring as the last class where my hand almost broke ><
the leftovers of the dough..
my groups's puff pastry afta taking it out of the oven..
chef's puff pastry with icing...yummy =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

free lunch 3 days straight...nice ><


afta food science class was another 5 hours break...
luckily tis time got things to do...
v went to the housekeeping suite to practice bed making as thursday got assessment..

calvin boringing n staring at duno where?
elaine n zee practicing...
oops..sorry elaine for making u un-clear..
vicky was answering the phone so v paste the papers at her hand...
n suraya obviously was eavesdropping =p

afta i practiced (so call =.=) went to ariff's service to hav lunch...
wen eating half way oni realized i left my voucher at my file which i gave it to my frn
den faster call them to bring to the restaurant for me.. if not hav to stay there wash bowl le xD

the stinks =.=
the smell can make ppl die =p
the mocktail..the hard to cut appetizer
the not so bad main course..
of coz not dat big portion la ><
the weirdo server =p

oops...forgot to take pic of the dessert ><

wanted to go sunway wit eevon afta lunch but den like not enuff time so i went to library lepak...wei heng n suraya..sien-ing
vicky n zee so call sleeping =p

den the room where v can watch tv is not vacant so v went to 'rent' FRIENDS to watch..
arnd 3.30 acc class gonna start ad so went to the class which is just 1 floor below..
the lecturer gave out our mid-term paper n i got 32.5 /35 !!!
so happy dat time but at the same time sad oso la...coz wrong 1 only =(
den at 3.50 the lecturer said class dismissed..n v all like wat the....?
v waited for 5 hours for tis class n the class is finished afta 20 mins?? dammit >< tmr having front office exam..haiz...sienzz..2/3 of the class is exam =.=


class started from 10 but den the lecturer keep talking till 12 only start exam
screwed up during exam...dammit!! ><
afta exam straighaway rush to g6's service.. may look not nice
but it tastes nice =D
appetizer-cream of pumpkin soup
main course-chicken with mushroom sauce?chocolate mousse cake...yummy =D

mrning had bed making exam n it sucks..
spent too much time oredi >< oh well...screw it!~
afta class went to vicky's frn service..1st time going..duno wats the difference xD

mocktailappetizer-prawn cocktail
hmm..ours taste much more better =p

main course- chicken with rice?
pandan siffon cake..n they're right..
pasar mlm oso taste better than tis =.=
wei heng is attacking the cake =p
vicky is happy wit her cake
mayb coz hers is in pink..duno y =.=

slyvia-the sleeping wan..
vicky-the tying hair wan..
suraya-the staring at midair wan?=p

vicky-the cute wan
suraya-the SO CALL mature wan=p
me-the noob wan